About Me

My photo
Virginia Beach, Va, United States
We are the Ward's. Brad is a 5th grade school teacher and Katrina is an Occupational Therapist with the Virginia Beach Public Schools. Kylee is one year old and she adores our furry family member, Tuggles, the dog. We love evening walks, hanging out at the beach, getting Skinny Dip frozen yogurt and enjoying time with our friends and family!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

1 year old portraits!!!


Jen said...

These are fantastic - love her dress.

kgood said...

Those are great portraits!! She is adorable..can't believe she is ONE!! What a cute family!!

Andy and Jen said...

I absolutely love her dress! She looks so cute!

Jennifer said...

Great pictures!!! You guys look so happy!

Anonymous said...

These are great photographs. She is quite the little princess.

Laurel Conrod said...

Wow! Can't believe that it's been a year already! I LOVE these pics, especially the one with Brad reading to her...she is so adorable, and serious. Only 3 more weeks 'til we meet her!

anthonyandbeth said...

love her dress! these are GREAT!!

Linda Williams said...

I cannot believe she is already a YEAR! Time flies.....enjoy every moment you have with her....I am still remembering your bridal shower at our house and how special it was...and just think....Now you are an "ole married lady with a child" Ha!

Love your blog....hope you don't mind me "peeking" inside your life every now and then!

Linda and James Williams